Thursday, July 29, 2010

It had been raining for a couple a days and throughout the night. I woke up on a wet misty morning in June; I went outside to my cousin’s, Akita named Sue Key while he was out of town. As both Sue Key and I approached a small orange and yellowish furry patch, without realizing I was walking a dog, “Kitty, Kitty, Oh Kitty!” I screamed. My heart was racing. I did not know what to expect. The dog had grabbed the kitty with his mouth. I started to holler at the dog: “no, no drop the baby.” I cried out in an ugly screeching voice. I was horrified, in my mind I ask myself, is this poor helpless wet kitty alive or dead? As I said those words, the dog that I was walking had drop the soaking wet, limp, fragile tiny little orphan kitty.
As I called to the little kitty, he looked up at me barely alive, and meowed towards me. I was relieved to have heard the very weak tiny little kitty’s voice reply. Then I leaned over to reach, and pick the infant kitty with swift cat like reflex and placed it in my t-shirts to warm the kitty up. I walked my cousin’s dog back to his damp cold apartment. Then I took the tiny little orphan kitty to check to see if the dog had wounded it. He appeared to be fine at the time. I had then rushed over to our local Wal-mart to buy kitten formula, so I could feed the kitten. After a few hours, I notice that something had not seemed right. The kitty looked as if he was limping.
I immediately rushed the kitty to the all-pet clinic. The veterinarian had said it did not look to good for the little kitty; I than began to cry, “Is he going to die?” The look on the vet’s face did not look good. I replied to vet “I will do anything for this little kitty, I will not let this little helpless baby kitty just die, I will do everything to get him well and better.” “Maybe it was a sign that I walked my cousin’s dog this morning?” I had told the vet. The vet looked at me strangely. He made me feel like I was crazy. The vet had given the baby kitty a shot of anti-inflammatory medicine for inflammation just in case the dog did do any damage to the kitty’s limbs.
The veterinarian had told me that two things could be causing the kitty to act this way. One he experienced trauma, from have being out in the rain with no milk from his mom, and because of the two beastly creatures that approached him in the rain, or he may have neurological condition, and that the kitty would not have full function of his back limbs. I told the veterinarian that it did not matter to me and that I would love it and take care of him. I had asked the vet to do x-rays on the kitty.
“I will be looking for serious condition,” The vet had said.
Then he had asked if I had thousands of dollars to put on the table. I took the kitty home. I continued to love, care and feed and bath the tiny little baby kitten he was no longer an orphan when I had placed him in my t-shirt. I took him in as if he one of my own, I could only think of this poor helpless kitty. He depends on me to feed, bath and to love him.
Today is Tuesday and the kitty has improved one hundred percent from his condition on Saturday. I still have to assist him in feeding; I feed him kitty formula in a baby bottle. He can drink a little under ounce of formula at one feeding. I feed him every two to three hours. I also rub his little limbs to so that his blood flows to improve his movements. He now rolls over by himself and he is trying to use his back limbs. He also holds himself up. I have to wipe his privates to help him poop and pee, and he still needs help with his bowel movements. He is so playful now. He will grasp a hold of my finger, and bite it. He is as playful and feisty as any other kitty. He is so loveable. He is a cuddle ball of fur. When I rub my face on his little head, he will start to purr, a motor like noise that comes from him it also feels like a light vibrating sensation.
To me this little tiny little kitten is perfect. I do not see anything wrong with him. As everyday that has past, he has shown a will to live and a will to survive attitude. This little kitty is so amazing. I cannot stop thinking of this little kitty when I am away from him.

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